Housing Loan Application and Valuation in a Project Under Construction:

Applying for a mortgage loan for projects under construction is only possible if certain conditions are met. These conditions are important criteria that banks look for assurance in the loan process. Here are the main factors to be considered in this process:

1. Condominium Deed of Easement and Construction Completion Rate

Konut kredisi başvurusunda bulunabilmek için, projenin kat irtifakı tapusuna sahip olması gerekmektedir. Kat irtifakı, inşaat tamamlanmadan önce, bağımsız bölümler için kurulan bir tapu türüdür. Ayrıca, inşaatın %70’ten fazlasının tamamlanmış olması, bankalar için önemli bir güvence sağlar. Bu oran, bankaların projeyi riskli olarak değerlendirmemesi için belirlenmiştir​(

2. Appraisal Company Expertise

The value of the real estate in the project and the completion status of the construction is determined by an appraisal report prepared by a valuation company. Appraisal companies examine in detail the land share, completion rate and other important factors. This report plays a critical role in the loan approval process of banks because banks determine the amount and terms of the loan based on this report(

3. Land Share and Incomplete Value Calculation

Arsa payı, konutun bulunduğu arsa üzerindeki ortak mülkiyet payını ifade eder ve bu pay, konum ve büyüklük gibi faktörlere bağlı olarak belirlenir. Tamamlanmamış bir konut için genellikle %100 değeri üzerinden kredi kullanmak mümkün değildir. Değerleme şirketleri, arsa değeri ve tamamlanmış kısmın maliyetini dikkate alarak konutun mevcut değerini belirler. Bu hesaplama, bankaların kredi miktarını değerlendirirken kullandıkları temel unsurlardan biridir.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is it possible to get a mortgage loan for projects under construction?
Yes, it is possible to get a mortgage loan for projects under construction, but this is subject to the project having a title deed and a certain percentage of the construction being completed.

2. What is a condominium deed?
A title deed for a condominium is a type of title deed created for independent sections before the construction is completed. This title deed allows the housing to be lent while the construction is underway.

3. Why is a valuation report important?
The valuation report is used to determine the current value of the property. This report plays a critical role for banks in determining the amount and terms of the loan.

4. Why is the construction completion rate important?
İnşaat tamamlanma oranı, bankaların projeyi ne kadar riskli gördüğünü belirler. İnşaatın en az %70’inin tamamlanmış olması, kredi başvurusunun onaylanması için önemli bir kriterdir.


For those who wish to apply for a mortgage loan for projects under construction, certain conditions must be met. The title deed, construction completion rate and valuation report are the main factors to be taken into consideration in this process. It is important to fulfill these requirements correctly for a safe investment and a smooth loan process.

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